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Long Canopy

The Ocean House is Ready For The Winter!
1024 768 New Haven Awning

You know summer is coming to an end when New Haven Awning is back at the Ocean House in Westerly Rhode Island to install their winter entrance canopy. An entrance…

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High End Condos In New Canaan Get An Architectural Facelift!
1024 768 New Haven Awning

This beautiful condo and storefront just received some amazing architectural marquee pan canopies. These canopies are made from 8 inch aluminum “I” beams with tinted acrylic tops so just the…

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New Haven Awning Partners with Luckey Climbers In Los Mochis, Mexico!
1024 683 New Haven Awning

New Haven Awning and Luckey Climbers partnered up to bring an amazing climber to The Children’s Museum In Los Mochis, Mexico. This climber is 15 feet around and doesn’t just…

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Mountainside Treatment center in Canaan, CT. gets 300 feet of sidewalk canopy!
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New Haven Awning was in Canaan Connecticut last week and installed a 300 foot sidewalk canopy! Now residents can easily walk from one building to another with out worrying about…

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Long Canopy Designed and Installed
1024 764 New Haven Awning