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Corradi Pergotenda PT 45

Summertime Is The Right Time To Get Some Shade With NH Awning!
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Summer has officially started and most of us are planning for a great season full of backyard barbecues, yard projects, and maybe even a little light reading by the pool.…

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What Are My Choices When Purchasing a Retractable Awning?
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Some people think that choosing a retractable awning can be pretty confusing.  Not with New Haven Awning. There may be a few choices you need to make to make sure your new awning perfectly accentuates your backyard and/or…

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It’s Time To Start Planning For The Spring & Embrace Your Outdoor Space
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There is only 402 days left until next spring and we can get out of the house and start to enjoy the outdoors again. This also means it’s time to…

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Don’t Let The Cold Weather Keep Your Customers Away!
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Your customers can’t enjoy your beautiful patio during the cold weather season.  Unless of course, you have a custom patio enclosure by New Haven Awning!  We can help you decide…

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Corradi PT45 Installed Just In Time For The Summer!
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This lucky homeowner in Stratford, CT just got a beautiful Corradi Pergotenda PT45 installed in their backyard!  Now the entire family can relax outside while watching their favorite show. One of the…

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Corradi PT45 ready for use in New Canaan CT!
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With this beautiful Corradi Pergotenda 45 our clients can now enjoy their patio without the worry of rain, all the while being protected from the suns damaging rays. Think about the possibilities…

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